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New Baltimore Special Cybernetic Augmented Response Unit

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  • The shadows draped over Leon, the overhead light only pouring onto his arms, the singular indication he was in the room. Silent. Listening. The kid had questions. Questions Leon hadn’t considered. He wasn’t so sure they were worth considering, but if the kid wanted to play Alice and follow this particular rabbit down the hole, he wouldn’t stop him.


    ”Not much of a story to get straight. We insert, take fire, return it, you go down, so do they. We claim check mate. Unless you want the story to go another way.”

    the team and the mission, those were the only things that mattered to Leon.





    Looking around the room each of the members of her squad gave their recollection. While each of the members had their own unique personalities outside of the office, when it came to the debriefing they were accurate and to the point. Debriefs after all had less to do the celebration of the completion of their mission. They had more to do with what went wrong, what could have gone wrong, and what could have done better.

    Especially when it came to the fact that one of them had been downed on this run and needed to get med-evaced. It wasn’t the first some Kyon-Tae had been put down. This line of work was dangerous after all. Still, it stung that she got shot in the head. For a second, it looked like her squad mates were mouthing words at her. She shook her head a little bit, trying to get rid of some of the cobwebs.

    “Think about it. We land on the roof, easy. Set up jamming. Easy. Rappel to target. Easy. Hell, they didn’t even fucking look at us, KT. They just let us put them down.”

    Her eyes narrowed a bit. The operation was textbook, like many ops before. But she did get plinked in the head. If someone was set up to take her, or the rest of them, down. This would be the way to do it. She hated it when the kid was right.

    “Spin up the footage, we’re taking this each step of the way. Mine’s first.”

    Entry was textbook. Every member of the team did what they were supposed to. When they initiated contact, everyone in the room was put down in less than thirty seconds. Three targets were identified. Each were put down immediately, giving them no time to think. The thermal lance saturated her optical bundles. But as the image cleared up, she was standing above a dead body. And everyone elses was as well.

    “Alright Sai, you’re up.”

    Same story. Went in hard. Kept his eye on the target. Opted to use his gun instead of something close in. Except….

    On his footage at the very edge of the screen, was a couch. On that couch was a purse. Luxury purse. Which one of the three men walks around with a luxury purse?

    “Freeze frame. There’s a purse on the couch. Did anyone here see any additional bodies in that room?”

    “How did any of us miss that?”

    Cole displays his footage. The same purse sits on the couch, clear as day. As Cole refocused his vision up after killing the target, it’s still there, in all of its faux-leather glory.

    “Well, did he have anyone else around recently? Wife, girlfriend?”






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