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OCC: New Baltimore Special Cybernetic Augmented Response Unit

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    It started with the veterans. Soldiers coming back from the constant wars overseas missing limbs were outfitted with the latest and greatest tech that the human research machines could develop. Started off an artificial arm or a leg. Soon, Veterans were allowed to return to combat. It wasn’t long before the military started allowing voluntary cybernetic enhancement. Within a few decades, cybernetic enhancements were no longer indicative of past military service. Now, cybernetics had become the norm for society. For some, it may have been a few replacement eyes and bio trackers here and there. For others, it meant fully prosthetic bodies.

    As much as the the prosthetics provided improvements for combat veterans, it also provided improvements for criminals as well. With underground syndicates imported high quality cybernetics off the black market, It wasn’t long before hitmen were sporting night vision, enhanced strength, and concealed weapons. Titanium was tougher than bullets. Eyes were modified to see in near infrared. It wasn’t long before the police found themselves severely outgunned.

    For the riskiest missions, Special Cybernetic Augmented Response (SCAR) units are called in. Many of the members make up of wounded ex military. All of them are heavily modified with the latest tech Hephaestus Industries could provide. These are the people called in to deal with the latest breed of enhanced criminals.

    Primary Storyline:

    This will be a cyberpunk mystery of sorts, you can think of the setting as being similar to Cyberpunk 2077 or Ghost in the Shell. Anyways, SCAR units are basically augmented SWAT teams called into deal with cyber enhanced criminals. One thing that makes these people stand out is that prior into going into combat, they’re injected with stimulants which have the effect of increasing the reaction and the survivability of the SCAR units. After each operation, every member involved undergoes a pretty thorough debrief. During this time, their memories are either wiped or modified depending on the events that have occured. This process is currently unknown to SCAR personnel.

    If you’re playing as an outside onlooker, think about how your character fits into the events that surround this. Maybe you’re a news caster reporting on the news. Maybe you’re a chemist working on the drug. If you’re playing as one of the main characters, think about how your character builds into a SCAR team.

    Character Sheet:







    House Keeping:

    At most, 3 additional main character sheets can be accepted. To play as a main character, you must have the occupation as a SCAR operator. Only these 4 characters (3+1) can interact with each other freely within the chat.

    Supporting characters can be accepted. These characters cannot interact directly with the 4 main characters. But can be affected by the main storyine progression.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .





    Accepted Characters: <In Progress>

    Name: Lee Kyon-Tae a.k.a “Katie”

    Player: Tai

    Age: 31

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Scar Unit 6, team lead.

    Background: After a traumatic event in her early twenties where she found her former lover gunned down in a local Yakuza Gang war, Kyon-Tae had vowed to join the famed Scar Batallion. Throughout her twenties, her resume has been impressive. Between international counter terrorism operations to removing local drug king pins, she has been well regarded as a capable and effective squad leader. The unit in question has been tasked with the most serious and dangerous missions. But her track record on completing missions and bringing back everyone in one piece is unquestionable.


    • Upgraded Dermal Plating rated up to pistol caliber rounds
    • Ocular replacements for expanded visual spectrum
    • Prosthetic upper body and legs.
    • Drug Delivery System
    • Cyberbrain input


    Name: Mark Drekker

    Player: Tai

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Investigative Reporter

    Background: Fresh out of university, Mark Drekker has had some difficulties working as a reporter. Call it the ambition of the youth, blame it on the last generation. He has constantly struck out over and over again finding a front page expose. Unfortunately due to his difficulty working with others, he has since been relegated to reporting on police issued statements. However, he is constantly looking to seek out a scoop to put him on the front page news. Always ambitious with a strong belief in himself, he is known to stick his nose deeper than where it should be. Which does become problematic when discrepencies appear in the police reports.


    • Cyberbrain Input


    Name: Leon Ramirez

    Player: Crimson

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Scar Shadowrunner


    Leon’s time in the military is best described as redacted from official records. From the beginning Leon has worked from the shadows, comfortable in the dark corners of reality where he can strike unseen. Once out of the military Ramirez was immediately recruited into SCAR, which suited him just fine as the shadowrunner had no desire to live the boring life of a civilian or be tempted into a life less than upstanding.


    • Wireless neural hub with attached network plug in.
    • Prosthetic carbon alloy legs for speed and silence.
    • Prosthetic eyes with tactical visual options
    • Dermal ports for stealth skin suit attachment.
    • Prosthetic arms with a suite of hacking tools.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .

    Character Sheet:


    Name: Leon Ramirez 


    Age: 30


    Gender: Male


    Occupation: Scar Shadowrunner




    Leon’s time in the military is best described as redacted from official records. From the beginning Leon has worked from the shadows, comfortable in the dark corners of reality where he can strike unseen. Once out of the military Ramirez was immediately recruited into SCAR, which suited him just fine as the shadowrunner had no desire to live the boring life of a civilian or be tempted into a life less than upstanding. 



    Wireless neural hub with attached network plug in.


    Prosthetic carbon alloy legs for speed and silence. 


    Prosthetic eyes with tactical visual options


    Dermal ports for stealth skin suit attachment.


    Prosthetic arms with a suite of hacking tools. 

    *Hope I can post here

    Cool idea! I’m interested, I’d appreciate it if you could tell us more about the specifics!
    Like will this be full lit/semi-lit or just casual? For the occupation part, are members of the criminal organizations also cool?






    Hello Runa, feel free to post here.

    This will be on the more serious end of the roleplay. I’m still fleshing out the details in the first two posts so those will get updated here and there. But regarding your question, there is a primary storyline in motion. To take part in that, you would really have to be in SCAR in one form or another.

    However, I did indicate that if you chose to be outside of the main group, I could consider other occupations as well. The game mechanics in this case are a little bit different. You’d largely be outside of the main storyline, however how your character happens to react to the events surrounding the main storyline would up to your own creativity.

    I hope this answers your question. Join us on discord for a more direct conversation on this!

    Name:  “Cole”

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: SCAR Operator

    Background: Cole doesn’t know where he came from, not really. He tells himself that he was left on the streets from a young age, no family to be seen, and the police.force took him in, trained him to earn his keep. He tells himself that he started as an “informative assistant”, then he was allowed to work with the peacekeepers, and from there he found his way to SCAR.

    But that all feels like someone else’s memory.

    All the faces and names are different, or they feel wrong. The times don’t match, and he doesn’t remember the cold of the rain as he struggled to find shelter, or the feeling of shooting his first gun. He doesn’t remember the last time he killed somebody or what it felt like, but he knows he did and he could do it again. Cole knows he’s ready to fight all the time but he doesn’t know why, and the guys giving him stim don’t seem keen to tell him. It is hell, and Cole needs a way out.

    As far as combat goes, Cole is a Swiss army knife. He is what’s needed when it’s needed. With a very generally combat-focused set of augments, he’s suited to do any job how it should be done and when it needs doing. His primary weapon is an Alchemist Arms 6.5 Classic, a distant descendant of the AK family of battle rifles, ever reliable and ever deadly. It fires 6.5 Remington at 900 RPM, in nominal conditions.


    General tissue upgrade, making it harder to break bones, tear muscle, and increasing physical performance via inhibiting production of lactic acid and improving maximum strength.

    Repulsor cannon in left arm, firing a heavy concussive blast capable of anything between removing the breath from a man’s lungs and sending reinforced metal doors careening across the room they were meant to guard.

    Advanced tactical optics package, allowing the use of thermal, infrared, and night vision, along with a variety of spectrums visible, such as electromagnetic, and X-ray projector and imaging tech.

    Comm uplink, allowing instant nonverbal communication between teammates.

    Combat-rated processor, allowing Cole to intake and process tactical data at high speeds, as well as providing an estimate of remaining operational time when any components or organs are damaged.

    Name: Anders Ismail Sai

    Player: nanaya

    Age: 38

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: SCAR Operator – Drone & AI specialist and drone operator


    Born in Reno, NV. Sai is a 6’8”, Uyghur-Kazahkstani American with an undergraduate in robotics and artificial intelligence from a technology focused university. Based on a bet with his peers, he joined the military only to prove how tough he was sometime after university. Due to his knowledge in drones and A.I. Technology, was made a drone operator and eventually a field operator. Part of his time was also spent with the military’s robotic sciences and A.I. Thinktank group. Most of his cyber and bioware augmentations came during his time during the military, by the time he was discharged, the debt concerning them was fully paid for. Sai’s recruitment to SCAR came from a recommendation from someone who once worked with him during his service. Field operations missions and his time with the military Thinktank is currently considered classified.


    Cyberbrain with controller rig and commlink.

    Induction Datajack.

    Cybereye with Smartlink calibrated for small arms, flare compensation and low-light vision.

    Cyberear audio enhancement & damper system.

    Muscle Augmentation & Enhanced Articulation.

    Wired reflex system.

    Bone density Lv. 1 augmentation

    Basic dermal plating rated for small caliber.






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