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The Void Bar OOC (Always Open)

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  • The Void Bar




    Even the stars need sleep, kid. When that happens, with only the light of the moon guiding your destiny, it will eventually lead you to the door of the Void, the favorite watering hole of the multiverse. Sure, some fool might tell you it’s the only bar with multiple doors across space and time, but that’s not what’s important right now. You’re here, probably confused as to how you ended up standing before the dark red oak doors, but don’t worry, go in and let the void take you.


    Welcome to the Void, a bar beyond time and space, but if you were to look out the window, you’d probably see the streets of New York city, or a cozy alley in Neo Tokyo, or the tiered Tree cities of a distant planet. The proprietor of the bar, Marcos, doesn’t really know how it works, he just know that it does. Every night a curious collection of individuals from across the multiverse show up at the door of the Void to take the edge off, have a drink, and tell stories of what they’ve seen and done across the far corners of multiple realities.


    The place looks like a modern take on a classic whiskey bar, with a proud wooden bar, atmospheric low lighting, and a cool blue pool table. Come in, grab a drink, and see where the Void takes you.


    Please read the rules before posting.


    Read all the rules, the setting, and cast posts so you don’t walk in blind and confused!


    While I will be playing Marcos, feel free to make use of the NPC cast, within reason.


    This is a casual RP setting, so no mandatory post length or the need to enter a character sheet.


    This being an open, casual RP means that if you are inactive for too long, the story will continue, one could assume you left to take care of something but you are always free to come back.


    If you want your character to already have a history with Marcos or the Void. Feel free to ask so we can set that up.


    The Bar:


    The Void is well kept and run. While the multiverse might be a bit rough depending on where you are coming from, The Void has a mind and powers of its own that keep it in tip top shape.

    The floors are wooden and well maintained.


    The bar is well stocked with exotic drinks and some home made hooch.


    The staff is always well dressed and clean.


    The band stage is well maintained and elevated.



    The walls are exposed brick walls but that only adds to the vibe.


    There are stools at the bar, tables at the lounge, and a seating area between the two.


    The Staff:


    Amelie: young, fun and some would even call her spunky; she doesn’t mind. Amelie is who she is; authentic and confident. The head bartender of The Void.


    Cleo: The knowledgeable, elitist, and subtly snarky cook of Th Void. Cleo is a master of fine wines and spirits, and will judge you quietly depending on what you order.


    The house band: Chain smokers, free thinkers, and the most talented musicians in all of the multiverse, or that’s what they would have you believe.





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