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  • She watched the confrontation, her eyes dull and lifeless as she didn’t understand what was going on. What were they talking about? Though, watching the brunette woman defend her.. simply talking to the man, her eyes sparkled. Who was she? she simply watched in awe as the two talked. She leaned on the table, closing her eyes and thinking while the two talked. She was so cool… she blushed lightly.

    She perked up when Aveline sat next to her, her eyes sparkling lightly.

    “I..I’m.. lucky?”

    She looked back over at the bar, looking down.

    “What does that mean…? ‘have me for the night’…?”

    She asked politely, looking in her glass. moving her finger around the top. She looked lost in her own world… her damp hair dripping down slower and slower.

    “You’re very cool, miss… I heard you telling your story when I walked in… can you tell me one?”

    She looked back at Aveline, still moving her finger around the entrance of the glass cup. Her eyes sparkled again.

    “Many people have told me stories, but none make sense. This world is confusing.”

    She said blankly, her eyes falling back into dullness and… eeriness. She was a strange child.

    A young girl was walking along the street, holding onto herself for warmth. her white dirty dress was wet, she was looking for a warm place with food and drink. She held a few coins in her hand, so hopefully the Barman or Barmaid will accept it. She shivered, before entering the warm tavern and looking around.

    She walked up to the bar, getting on the chair and putting the coin’s down on the table. She counted them, and prayed it was enough to at least get a glass of water. The man nodded and took the coin, getting her a glass of water. She listened in on the others conversations, side-eyeing them with curiosity.  What were these strangers talking about? she had no idea. She wished she could’ve came in earlier so she could hear the context.

    Besides that, she took a sip from her water, her dress dripping slightly on the floor. She shivered a bit, causing her drink to spill slightly on herself. She didn’t mind though, as if she was used to the cold by now.

    When she finished her drink, she sat there, watching the others talk and have fun. She never got to have fun, she thought, her face remaining expressionless and the void of any feeling. She wondered what that felt like, having fun, drinking, having friends to chat with. What meaningless things, she thought. Meaningless to a girl like her.

    She put her cup on the table, laying her head down as her damp hair touching her skin only made her colder. She looked tired, from the bags under her eyes being the most obvious clue. She blinked a couple of times, yawning, and continuing to watch the others.


    Mikaru Sovann



    Position :

    Cabin Boy (Girl?)



    Personality :

    Mikaru is a quiet girl with a sharp gaze, often staying silent and listening. She’s a very curious girl and suffers from Alexithymia, not understanding her own emotions. including others emotions due to her autism. She often doesn’t show emotion and speaks in a monotone voice, unless excited about something she likes, which she expaaands her words like thiiiiis.



    Mikaru was abandoned when she was born, begging for money and food for a majority of her life. She heard tales about her father being a pirate, but she chooses to not believe such stories. At the time, she was extremely underweight and sick, getting by doing small jobs and stealing. Her past mystery, she doesn’t know who her father and mother were, as no one knew. She didn’t seem to mind her lack of parents, as nothing really bothers her. Atleast from what people can tell.


    Now she works as a Cabin Boy, helping around the ship. No one can tell, but she’s much happier here.


    Mikarus profile

    Hello! I’m asuka! I’m a 17 (18 in august) y/0 queer person with an interest in cute ocs! shoot me a dm if you want to chat/rp!


    1. How you found Arkadia: I found it through a recommendation site!

    2. RP or writing experience: I’ve been rping since 2017! I can write about 3 long paragraphs, but even more if I’m invested!

    3. Favorite genres: All, besides action.

    4. What you’re looking for: Generally, just good rps and group rp chats! I’m welcome to forum rp, discord, gcs, and more!

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