





Queen Nobody








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    James was surprised to see the lively storyteller from before in his path back to his table, but surprise gave way towards confusion.

    “Reaver? Decent man?” James hadn’t been paying too much attention while this lass went on spinning her yarn, but he wouldn’t have put it past her to have dranken a few pints,” Don’t know too many decent men who make a living in pirate territory, lass, but if you keep looking i’m sure you’ll find one.” James patted the lass in her arm and pushed past her back to his table.

    “The girl. ” The captain reminded.

    “some might have their suspicions, seeing someone like you, give someone like her a drink. ”

    James spun on his heel. Being a monster hunting expert came with the reality of rubbing shoulders with right bastards and cunts. Landing in exotic ports and getting rough with local prostitutes. Fights, broken bones. James wasn’t one to turn the other eyes at this type of behavior, and had the scars to prove it. He hated being accused of these things, he hates to be associated with the acts of men he despised. His eyes narrowed as he starred down the talkative lass, but the fire in him quickly turned into embers.

    It was rare for someone to care about anyone else, especially in the circles he ran in. That’s all that was going on here. Someone that cared. James took two heavy steps towards the captain, staring down at her.

    “You’re the one with the suspicious trade, lass. Worry about yourself.”

    Well, she certainly couldn’t argue that. Or at least, she couldn’t deny it outright. The trade wasn’t exactly… in a favorable light. Not that she couldn’t spin it a certain way.

    “Aye, my breed of merchant isn’t exactly seen in kind” she started.

    “But I’ve seen worse. We’re fair employers and don’t inflate numbers like the swindlers staying in “civil” country… ”

    She stopped herself before getting too far carried along the waves of her words. There were more important things to say.

    “We look out for the poor lost souls of the world. ” she embellished, gesturing at the source of the confrontation.

    “I needed to make sure is all, that I needn’t take action. Hmm, maybe we’re alike in that? Terrible on the outside, teddy bears within. ”

    Teddy bears within.

    James eyebrow raised in…surprise? Then he broke into laughter. A deep, barrel laugh. His head whipped back, and he smacked the pirate captain on her shoulder.

    “You’re a strange one, i’ll tell you that. A pirate worried about young lasses in these parts. And here I thought I’ve seen the strangest things the oceans had to show. Come, buy us a drink and let’s see what this harlot can do once you throw her a few coin.”

    “merchant” she corrected, laughing her way to the bar

    “I swear, my coin is earned through nothing but honest work!”

    She could barely contain the laughter as she called up to more drinks beside the Lass she nearly beat a man over.

    “and you little one, I have you for the night” she offered in way of charity.

    “lucky one, to be seeing decent souls here!”

    It was a very good thing she had finished that last sip when “Sylvie” said that. Otherwise, the spit take would have resulted in a terribly ruined mood. She’d have to settle for doing it mentally, and keeping cool outside. Though, her clothes were getting a bit too warm at the moment.


    “Aveline Hoshi. ” she told her in kind.

    “Captain of the Ryo Fujin, merchant and a teller of tales. ”


    She moved to caress Sylvie’s face, pausing a moment before her hand touched.


    “Normally, I like to take things slow. But for you… ” she trailed off when she noticed the urchin come up to the bar.

    “I’m will… ing to… ”


    And then the man. The scary scared type of fellow common in places like this. Usually when they approached young, vulnerable women like that, it meant… Less pleasant things. So she was already preparing herself to rise and toss him clear across the pub, possibly further. Then, he flagrantly began trying to get her drunk!


    “ah, dammit… ” she sighed.

    “one moment love I think there’s something I need to attend to. ”


    She stood, picking Sylvie up and placing her in the seat she was just occupying before heading over to confront the man, but before she could he… Did a decent thing and paid for the girls food. She was behind them as they did this, just before he turned around to leave. She stood only a few feet away, blocking his path.


    “…  Decent man in reaver’s skin?” she commented.

    “or  shall I go back to worrying?”

    Aveline hadn’t noticed the little lizard woman down the bar, but when called to look her way, she couldn’t help but notice they had received some of her good fortunes, perhaps, dishonestly ~

    She lifted her eye patch, revealing her “good eye” so she could see her better in the dimly lit pub.

    With a smile:


    “Fellow scoundrel, I see. ” she remarked, looking at the chameleon’s drink.

    “looks like trouble follows you, that’s good for a few stories from yourself, I’m su-”


    Ah, but trouble followed our captain too, sometimes landing directly in her lap. Normally she was cool as a cucumber, but attractive surprises -like the fine Las now resting on her. – did make her feel rather hot. Clumsy, too.


    “ah, oh my- b-but of course!” she replied to the red head.

    “My compatriot was just trying to steal another from me, anyway. So I suppose I could oblige you. ”


    Smoothing back those ruffled feathers, putting back on that suave demeanor, gently wrapping  an arm around the autumn beauty to secure her close, like a mooring a ship to dock.


    “Perhaps in exchange, ” she began, raising her free hand to brush aside a crimson lock from the maidens face.

    “this beauty could tell us her name?”


    At this, she could practically feel the cringing of her crew as they mentally prepared themselves to endure a very long night of pretending to not hear various noises coming from the captains cabin that night.

    Gave her a chuckle every time.

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    Name: Aveline Hoshi

    Age: Twenty Eight

    Position: Captain

    Gender: Female


    Personality: Aveline is a charismatic and, by some definition, a stern leader. By another, an eccentric one. She’s been known to do unusual things in regards to leadership for unknown reasons, yet they tend to work in her favor. She says that this is because her gut tells her to do these things, but either way, most just think she’s odd. Regardless, she never let’s her people down!


    History: Aveline was child to an eastern merchant (her father) and a western noble (Of course, her mother) some odd years ago in one of the many sky islands. She lived with her mother’s side of the family until she was ten, after her third sister was born. Her mother died of complications during the birthing. The other members of the family offered to take the girls in, as Aveline’s father couldn’t support them all. Her sisters stayed with them, but Aveline chose to go with her father and often joined him on his merchant travels. For about eight years she traveled with him and learned the trade. On her eighteenth birthday, her father announced his retirement and gave the ship and his business to Aveline. She was ecstatic.


    She set sail the very next day, but, as luck would have it, Pirates attack the Cienav only an hour later! The pirates took the cargo, the ship, and even the crew. She spent three years as a slave pirate. In all honestly, it wasn’t that bad, but she still wasn’t particularly happy about the situation.

    One day, the pirates had a run in with a Nim-Cel cruiser and the captain was killed by the impact of a cannon shell. The crew fell into disorder and many of the other slaves saw their chance to escape. Aveline was tempted to run as well, but something inside her told her not to. Instead, she took the helm and began issuing orders. Ever since, she’s been living the pirate life.

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