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  • “Poor sods bought it.

    A one eyed lizard said with an oddly British inflection. No literally… The woman was small, had an eye patch, was teal, and scaled. Yet as astonished as the rest of the tavern had been. She was more astonished that the establishment was offering them a hero’s welcome. Her eye lid blinked sideways and her mouth agape. She attempted to pose as if she too were part of the crew for free drinks. Maybe the smell of rum would be enough to rid her of the stench of defeat and salt.

    You see the lady dragged herself in here from almost being brought low. She hated water, not that she couldn’t swim, but she was cold blooded. The chill of the ocean easily would make her sick. She was as wet as the creatures the fish mongers brought in. She hated this feeling… All prickles and barbed wire was she. Understandably for someone who had just been blinded and came in with a fresh patch made purely out of the instinct to survive. Yet no one in the bar would know that.

    The irony she laughed at the antics of the supposed “Captain.” A small hissing wheeze at the crowd and how they believed spoken works of fiction. How she loved them, silly little works of fiction written on parchment and bound in leather. Something she aspired to once do and yet that seemed so far away now. She slumped over the wood of the counter and soon her wetness made it slippery. It was bound to make some drunken and angry ass hole annoyed enough to swing.

    The fortune spoken of by the other party was probably only contrasted by how unlucky she was. She took a sip of her ill gotten goods once she got them from the bartender.

    “Tell us another, please!”

    She asked kindly to the woman from across the way. She raised her glass to anything. She didn’t expect the woman to actually do it. She half expected to get called out for the drink. Still she appreciated the small respite her stories offered to the weary lizard.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Shane .

    Name: Salire Charmalaign
    Age: 25 Position: Quarter master (a petty officer who attends to a ship’s helm, binnacle, and signals.)
    Gender: Female
    Personality:  Seen as Hot-Tempered and hard working. Salire has always been someone you could rely on when push came to shove. If jobs needed doing she would always find a way to get them done for others. She is caring and motherly to those she calls friend.
    History: Salire being a smarter Cobal than most brought herself up from the slums. She had been an orphan and simply felt trapped within four walls. She pick pocketed as much as she could carry to put herself through school. To learn reading, writing, and math. She could have been a scholar. Publishing her own writings but that didn’t exactly work out. Around her final year right before graduation she ran into a bit of trouble. The kind of trouble that strings you up and publicly humiliates you. She tried a small time heist from a ship headed to port. Hearing a head of time from a local rumor. She commandeered a Seanav and intercepted something she thought would be her ticket to a good College in the dead of night.
    The girl had some interesting traits being a humanoid chameleon. First she had the tail to match and could camouflage herself. She blended in with the hues of the sol made ships. She could even use her tongue in ways that would make most blush or go blue in the face from lack of oxygen. As scrappy as the young gun was she couldn’t take a whole ship by herself. They took a single eye from the woman and threw her overboard to float back to shore.
    Float she did. She survived by the grace of the three Gods. You would think that this would deter her from greed. Leading her to a more honest life-style.  It didn’t, her stubbornness and hunger for something greater just led her to become more of a outlaw. It didn’t help that when you’re a half blind lizard. No one really took you seriously.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
      Shane .

    Name: Salire Charmalaign

    Age: 25 Position: Quarter master (a petty officer who attends to a ship’s helm, binnacle, and signals.) 

    Gender: Female

    Personality:  Seen as Hot-Tempered and hard working. Salire has always been someone you could rely on when push came to shove. If jobs needed doing she would always find a way to get them done for others. She is caring and motherly to those she calls friend. 

    History: Salire being a smarter Cobal than most brought herself up from the slums. She had been an orphan and simply felt trapped within four walls. She pick pocketed as much as she could carry to put herself through school. To learn reading, writing, and math. She could have been a scholar. Publishing her own writings but that didn’t exactly work out. Around her final year right before graduation she ran into a bit of trouble. The kind of trouble that strings you up and publicly humiliates you. She tried a small time heist from a ship headed to port. Hearing a head of time from a local rumor. She commandeered a Seanav and intercepted something she thought would be her ticket to a good College in the dead of night.

    The girl had some interesting traits being a humanoid chameleon. First she had the tail to match and could camouflage herself. She blended in with the hues of the sol made ships. She could even use her tongue in ways that would make most blush or go blue in the face from lack of oxygen. As scrappy as the young gun was she couldn’t take a whole ship by herself. They took a single eye from the woman and threw her overboard to float back to shore.

    Float she did. She survived by the grace of the three Gods. You would think that this would deter her from greed. Leading her to a more honest life-style.  It didn’t, her stubbornness and hunger for something greater just led her to become more of a outlaw. It didn’t help that when you’re a half blind lizard. No one really took you seriously.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
      Shane .
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
      Admin Crimson .
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