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    Looking around the room each of the members of her squad gave their recollection. While each of the members had their own unique personalities outside of the office, when it came to the debriefing they were accurate and to the point. Debriefs after all had less to do the celebration of the completion of their mission. They had more to do with what went wrong, what could have gone wrong, and what could have done better.

    Especially when it came to the fact that one of them had been downed on this run and needed to get med-evaced. It wasn’t the first some Kyon-Tae had been put down. This line of work was dangerous after all. Still, it stung that she got shot in the head. For a second, it looked like her squad mates were mouthing words at her. She shook her head a little bit, trying to get rid of some of the cobwebs.

    “Think about it. We land on the roof, easy. Set up jamming. Easy. Rappel to target. Easy. Hell, they didn’t even fucking look at us, KT. They just let us put them down.”

    Her eyes narrowed a bit. The operation was textbook, like many ops before. But she did get plinked in the head. If someone was set up to take her, or the rest of them, down. This would be the way to do it. She hated it when the kid was right.

    “Spin up the footage, we’re taking this each step of the way. Mine’s first.”

    Entry was textbook. Every member of the team did what they were supposed to. When they initiated contact, everyone in the room was put down in less than thirty seconds. Three targets were identified. Each were put down immediately, giving them no time to think. The thermal lance saturated her optical bundles. But as the image cleared up, she was standing above a dead body. And everyone elses was as well.

    “Alright Sai, you’re up.”

    Same story. Went in hard. Kept his eye on the target. Opted to use his gun instead of something close in. Except….

    On his footage at the very edge of the screen, was a couch. On that couch was a purse. Luxury purse. Which one of the three men walks around with a luxury purse?

    “Freeze frame. There’s a purse on the couch. Did anyone here see any additional bodies in that room?”





    “You’re lucky, your helmet saved you from most of the damage. We had to replace some of the dermal plating on your face. C4 to C7 needed to get replaced, disks, spacers, and all. They were causing shorts in the spinal column but you should be good now. That said, we fixed you up fine.”

    The Cybertech continued to look down the clipboard. Still Kyon-Tae felt a little bit fuzzy. Depersonalization sensations? Maybe? Was she concussed? Cyberbrains were supposed to be fairly resilient to concussions. Though how resilient could you be from getting shot in the face.

    “How about my head? Everything ok? I’m not feeling that well…connected maybe.”

    “You should be fine. I can run through your diagnostics again but everything checked out green earlier. Maybe speak with the psychologist? You might be undergoing emotional duress.

    Kyon-Tae couldn’t help but feel insulted. Three hundred direct action combat missions over a seven year period and they wanted to get her screened for PTSD? She had been injured before, though admittedly never enough to really knock her out of the fight to a major degree.

    “The drug hookups, did you check what was going on with that? Before going in they said I was having issues with the injections.”

    “Yep, we flushed it out with solvent. It was fine. The gate was just stuck. Anyways you’re on a 30 day hold from combat missions while we keep track of your vitals. But looking at your chart you’ll probably have no problems after 30 days.”

    All things considered, she was in tip top shape. She could jump tomorrow if called up. But there was still the nagging feeling of disassociation between her body and her head. Much of the details from the previous missions were fuzzy as well. Maybe this was just the effects of having your bell run by a rifle round. Still, she had never experienced the fuzzy feeling after getting injured.

    “Hey, what happened after I got shot?”

    Without looking up, the cybertech replied.

    “I assume someone exfiled you out. I don’t get mission details. I’m supposed to tell you that you have mission debrief after your checkup.”

    Kyon-Tae walked into the briefing room where her three teammates turned around to her. Much of her memory was fuzzy through the duration of the entire operation. Getting shot in the face probably wasn’t the best regarding memory retention.

    “Alright folks, I’m not dead so as far as I’m concerned, I’m still leading the team. Around the table, lets go through what we recall from the op.”





    Chapter 2: Juxtoposition

    Militech Chief Engineer Ichihiro Masada has been found murdered in his luxury high rise apartment. Along with Masada-san’s death are his wife and only child, as well his security detail. Police on the scene have indicated that this was a successful assassination operation. It would appear that a team had entered through the window and quickly made work of both himself and the security detail. At this time, there are no leads.

    Militech stock shares dropped by 7% at the announcement of Masada-sans murder. He was responsible for leading the design of the Raptor Drone, Militech’s bid to the Japanese government for their Loiter Munitions Contract. With his death, the fate of the program is unknown. In other related news, it would appear that Hephaestus Industries is now front and center to win the bid, as their stock prices have risen today by 4%.

    Mark ran his hands through his blonde hair. Masada-san wasn’t the only engineer at Militech who had been offed this year. Previously, they had also lost one of their Design engineers to a mugging. The person in question didn’t make the news but those in the department had widely regarded him to be a key engineer on the program. And shortly thereafter, a professor who was working closely with Militech had fallen into a seemingly unrelated coma. Coincidence? Mark wasn’t one to buy it. In development program of maybe 40 people, losing a key engineer and your primary consultant? You’d feel that in the department. And now the Chief engineer? Maybe this was all just happenstance. But he’d still have to investigate it before making that conclusion.

    The end of his cigarette lit up as he took a deep breath. He couldn’t really go to the chief editor with this. He’d need more evidence. Suddenly, a message popped up on his chat server.

    <Mark, you see this footage? It’s pretty blurry but it looked like some chick got nailed hard in the face>

    His interest was piqued. He sat back up and loaded the file.

    <You know where this is from?>

    <No Idea, it showed up on the underground. Someone’s probably just sniffing around some unsecure camera footage. But just wait, this chick goes fucking mad>

    As he looked into the file, after getting struck in the face, the body gets back up and goes straight into berserk mode. The figure left the camera angle, but the entire floor flashed bright and blood splattered across the windows.

    <I’m not sure what to make of this footage. You think it’s from what just got reported on the news today?>

    <Could be one of a thousand murders in this city>

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
      Tai .





    “Tango down,” Kyon-Tae reported. Ishida had been put down. Despite having two Old War body guards, her team had taken them down quickly and efficiently. Text book example on speed, surprise, and violence of action. Whatever combat experience they brought to the table didn’t stand a chance against a fast and hard hitting team.

    “Alright Ramirez, head on down. Lot of hardware that we need to comb through if we want to find the shipping manifests.”

    If she were to be frank though, she wouldn’t have wanted to fight them in a fair battle. Given the choice, especially with these people, she wanted every single advantage stacked in her favor. The last time she had to deal with these sorts of people ended up in several fairly expensive prosthetic replacements. Of course, on the government time.

    Mission was over. Optic camouflage eats batteries. Might as well turn it off. No need to drain batteries at this point. The mission was o-

    The right side of her face suddenly felt very warm. Her head snapped to the side. She could see fragments pass by her eyes in slow motion. As she dropped to the ground, her eyes caught sparkles of shattered glass from one of the windows that had yet to even hit the ground. Were they running overwatch this entire time? She had gotten careless.

    All four hundred pounds of the combat rated prosthetic crumpled to the ground with a resounding and authoritative thud. It felt like someone was hammering an ice pick into her head, half an inch at a time. Her limbs continued to actuate, twitching as signals misfired all the way down her spinal cord.





    The heat wave passed over Kyon-Tae’s body as she entered through the shattered glass. All three figures turned towards the window. Ishida immediately dived to the ground. The two body guards immediately, almost in unison, reached for their side arm strapped to their hip. Undeterred by the optic camouflage, their eyes locked onto the visual distortion that shielded their bodies. But it was too slow.

    Before the bodyguard could center the pistol, Kyon-Tae’s knees had already contacted square in his chest. The thermal lance lit up, blazing orange, temporarily overloading her night vision sensors. It was no matter, at this speed and distance her training had taken over. The momentum of a 400 pound body swinging on a pendulum was more than enough to knock the fully prosthetic old war vet onto the ground. One shot from his pistol went awry, harmlessly knocking out one of the overhead lights. And before his body hit the ground, Kyon-Tae had already driven the thermal lance down into the throat and through the spinal column of the bodyguard.

    Despite the fully replaced body and obsolete facial musculo modules, the face still contorted to show expression. It wasn’t an expression of fear. It was an expression of steel cold determination. As if the brain hadn’t fully registered all that had happened. Brain stem instincts, Kyon-Tae called it. Sign of someone who had so much experience that even from the edge of death, they still thought about fighting back.

    With her target down, she quickly drew her rifle and scanned the area. She quickly snapped to her two teammates, making sure that they had completed their objective. Of course they did, they were well trained SCAR Operators under her leadership. She would have made sure they were up to the task or ejected from the team.





    “Sai, Cole, you’re coming down with me. Ramirez, hold here. Let’s go. Keep it quiet.”

    Three faintly odd optical anomalies slowly rappelled down the building, careful not to bump into anything or tap on the windows to make any noise that would draw any attention to the outside. As they finally dropped down to the sixteenth floor, Kyon-Tae took a quick scan on who was inside.

    It was Ishida and two of his Old War body guards. Tough bastards. There were legends of these soldiers who continued to fight even despite having holes blown into their head. Quirks from the old cyberization process and the ghosts that seemed to live in the base of the cyberbrain. It is said that the only way to incapacitate some of these veterans was via a thermal lance severing their spinal cord. Cut of all the signal, so to speak. Regardless, the smart thing to do was to capitalize on the moment of surprise. Ishida and his Bodyguards knew someone was up. Probably from the hard landing that they had just done. But so far, they were looking at the doorway.

    Without saying a word, she gestured to her two other teammates. One hand pointed to the small charge she kept on her belt and then pointed to three other areas on the window. Then she gestured to Cole and pointed to her head, signaling that he was to be tasked with taking out Ishida. Next she turned to Sai, pointed to her gun and then pointed to the right hand side of the room. Indicating that he was tasked to take out one of the body guards. Immediately, she then pointed to the neck to indicate that he should target specifically the spinal column. You didn’t want to take a chance with these sorts. They were to be taken down hard and with as much firepower as possible.

    Once she had set her charge, she motioned towards the thermal lance that was strapped to the small of her back. She looked to confirm that the other two had set up their charges as ordered and held up three fingers. On zero, they would leap away from the glass and initiate breach.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .





    Hello Runa, feel free to post here.

    This will be on the more serious end of the roleplay. I’m still fleshing out the details in the first two posts so those will get updated here and there. But regarding your question, there is a primary storyline in motion. To take part in that, you would really have to be in SCAR in one form or another.

    However, I did indicate that if you chose to be outside of the main group, I could consider other occupations as well. The game mechanics in this case are a little bit different. You’d largely be outside of the main storyline, however how your character happens to react to the events surrounding the main storyline would up to your own creativity.

    I hope this answers your question. Join us on discord for a more direct conversation on this!





    Accepted Characters: <In Progress>

    Name: Lee Kyon-Tae a.k.a “Katie”

    Player: Tai

    Age: 31

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Scar Unit 6, team lead.

    Background: After a traumatic event in her early twenties where she found her former lover gunned down in a local Yakuza Gang war, Kyon-Tae had vowed to join the famed Scar Batallion. Throughout her twenties, her resume has been impressive. Between international counter terrorism operations to removing local drug king pins, she has been well regarded as a capable and effective squad leader. The unit in question has been tasked with the most serious and dangerous missions. But her track record on completing missions and bringing back everyone in one piece is unquestionable.


    • Upgraded Dermal Plating rated up to pistol caliber rounds
    • Ocular replacements for expanded visual spectrum
    • Prosthetic upper body and legs.
    • Drug Delivery System
    • Cyberbrain input


    Name: Mark Drekker

    Player: Tai

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Investigative Reporter

    Background: Fresh out of university, Mark Drekker has had some difficulties working as a reporter. Call it the ambition of the youth, blame it on the last generation. He has constantly struck out over and over again finding a front page expose. Unfortunately due to his difficulty working with others, he has since been relegated to reporting on police issued statements. However, he is constantly looking to seek out a scoop to put him on the front page news. Always ambitious with a strong belief in himself, he is known to stick his nose deeper than where it should be. Which does become problematic when discrepencies appear in the police reports.


    • Cyberbrain Input


    Name: Leon Ramirez

    Player: Crimson

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Scar Shadowrunner


    Leon’s time in the military is best described as redacted from official records. From the beginning Leon has worked from the shadows, comfortable in the dark corners of reality where he can strike unseen. Once out of the military Ramirez was immediately recruited into SCAR, which suited him just fine as the shadowrunner had no desire to live the boring life of a civilian or be tempted into a life less than upstanding.


    • Wireless neural hub with attached network plug in.
    • Prosthetic carbon alloy legs for speed and silence.
    • Prosthetic eyes with tactical visual options
    • Dermal ports for stealth skin suit attachment.
    • Prosthetic arms with a suite of hacking tools.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
      Tai .
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